Carrie’s 101 List

My interest in this project was piqued when I found a 101 list on a blog. What a neat idea! Goals that you want to accomplish in your life and yet allowing a reasonable amount of time to get them accomplished. (Something that many New Year’s Resolutions fail to do.) Each one of these goals are things I’ve wanted to do during my lifetime, but without a deadline just kept putting them off. So I have given myself a goal! To be honest, this list seems daunting! But I now know how and where I want to focus my effort over the next 2+ years. 🙂

Start Date: January 1, 2010
End Date: September 27, 2012

1. Read Passionate Housewives. (August 20, 2010)
2. Read Pride and Prejudice (September 25, 2010), Sense and Sensibility (August 7, 2010) and Emma (October 29, 2010 by Jane Austen.
3. Read one biography on each president.
Theodore Roosevelt – A Tough Ride to Albany by John A. Corry
4. Read 26 books whose titles start with each letter of the alphabet.
A Woman’s Call to Prayer by Elizabeth George
Band of Brothers by Stephen E. Ambrose
Created for Work by Bob Schultz
Destination: Moon by Astronaut James Irwin
End of the Spear by Steve Saint
Firefly Blue by Jake Thoene
Harvey Girls, The by Lesley Poling-Kempes
Island Inferno by Chuck Holton
Joy of a Word Filled Family, The by Dr. John S. Barnett
Know Why You Believe by Paul E. Little
Lost City of Z, The by David Grann
My Life in France by Julia Child
Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way by Susan McCutcheon
Only Angels are Bulletpoof by Emily Ann Benedict
Preparing Sons by Steven Maxwell
Quest for Love by Elisabeth Elliot
Romancing Your Husband by Debra White Smith
Start Here by Alex and Brett Harris
Twelfth Imam, The by Joel C. Rosenberg
Unfolding Destinies by Olive Fleming Liefeld
Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, The by La Leche League

5. Regularly exercise at least 3 times a week for a month.
6. Write in my journal every work day for one month.
7. Get in the habit of eating fresh fruits and veggies for snacks.
8. Complete 20 of Amy’s Notebook Projects and blog about them.
#1,  #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7,
9. Find or start a playgroup for christian stay at home moms and their children in my area.
10. Come up with 15 different hair styles that look good on me.
11. Go to Magic Mountain some time when I’m actually able to ride the rides.
12. Bike down to the beach with Tim.
13. *Personal*
14. Complete the
200 sit up challenge.
15. Complete the 200 squat challenge.
16. Complete the 1oo pushup challenge.
17. Write in my journal once a week for the duration of the project.
18. Research a detox/cleanse plan.
19. Actually detox/cleanse my body. 🙂
20. Do some research on how to do a home pedicure.
21. Give myself a pedicure once a week for a month.

22. Find a good homemade bread recipe.
23. Make and can strawberry jam.
24. Make and can peach jam.
25. Make and can homemade spaghetti sauce.
26. Learn how to make French bread.
27. Bake a special treat for Tim to take to work 20 different times.
1. Brownies 2. Peanut Butter Blondies 3. Almond Truffle Brownies 4. Brownies
28. Find a good baked egg roll recipe.
29. Learn to make tortillas.
30. Make homemade yogurt.
31. Find five vegetarian main dishes we both enjoy.
32. Learn to make pita bread.
33. Make homemade crackers.
34. Make and can applesauce.
35. Make sauerkraut.

36. Organize and host a Christmas party.
37. Do a movie based party.
38. Host a board game night with Melinda.
39. Host one big get together for friends at our house.

40. Phase out commercial cleaners and substitute homemade ones.
41. Make a list of 20 snacks that Tim likes and can take to work.
42. Make a list of 20 snacks that Tim likes to keep in the freezer for after dinner snacks.
43. Find a homemade (fresh tomatoes) spaghetti sauce recipe.
44. Plant a garden and preserve the produce.
45. Create a list of 20 breakfasts we enjoy eating.
46. Create a list of 20 lunches we enjoy eating.
47. Create a list of 20 dinners we enjoy eating.
48. Create a list of 20 freezer meals.
49. Create a list of 20 vegetable side dishes we both enjoy.
50. Create a list of 20 crockpot meals we enjoy.
51. Buy/make decorations for Christmas.
52. Buy/make decorations for Thanksgiving.
53. Buy/make decorations for Valentine’s Day.
54. Buy/make decorates for July 4th.
55. Create a working home management binder.

56. Save at least $40 a month for five months.
57. Write and sell at least one copy of an ebook.
58. Keep electric bill below $50 for six months.
April 2011, May 2011
59. Do one of the Money Saving Method offers.
60. Complete 10 cash offers with InboxDollars. (4 of 10)
61. Try mystery shopping.
62. Look into teaching classes for local homeschool groups.
63. Write 10 ehow articles.
64. Open an etsy store.
65. Keep track of household expenses for six months.
66. Invest the boys’ money.

67. Plan and execute three themed family nights.
68. Plan an overnight weekend for me and Tim.
69. Write a Christmas newsletter to email out each year.
70. Have Caleb and Anna over for a sleep over in our new house.
71. Have a fun girls weekend at our house with Melinda and Bonnie.

72. Make a list of 101 things I’m grateful to God for.
73. Do Operation Christmas Child/Baja Boxes one year.
74. Participate in one Craft Hope project.
75. Send a gift to every friend who has a baby.
76. Complete three baby blankets for Project Baby Blanket.
77. Donate blood.
78. Keep a journal of what I read each morning during my devotions and write in it every day for three months.

79. Get Bradley certification.
80.  Plan and start intentional preschool with Drew.
81. Learn how to accompany on the piano.
82. Potty train Drew.
83. Learn Spanish. Be able to carry on a basic conversation.
84. Complete a Biology bound “book” for hand-outs, etc. for class.

85. Finish Civil War cross stitch.
86. Scrapbook wedding photos.
87. Scrapbook honeymoon photos.
88. Scrapbook Drew’s baby photos.
89. Scrapbook Carter’s baby photos.
90. Learn to sew a skirt.
91. Learn to sew a shirt.
92. Learn to sew a handbag/purse.
93. Knit one large project.
94. Complete a 100 things that make me happy list and scrapbook it.
95. Make curtains for the windows in our house.

96. Buy a house.
97. Write ten hand written letters to friends. (7 of 10)
98. Learn how to edit videos.
99. Complete a Project 365.
100. Look into publishing Romania book.
101. Complete 5 “A Day in My Life” posts on our blog.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday

10 Responses to Carrie’s 101 List

  1. Diane says:

    Wow what a great list, I will have to spend more time checking all the great links on your post. Going to check out #8 now 🙂
    Have a great 2010

  2. angie says:

    what a great list thanks for letting us know more about you

  3. maxwellmama says:

    what a great idea, I may borrow this from you. I’m going to go check out some of your links in this post, they look very interesting. Thanks for sharing this, glad I stumbled upon it.
    Take care,

  4. In this great “project”, I heartily applaud you! You’ve got some very interesting, worthwhile and challenging goals set for the next two+ years. I’ll look forward to reading what happened come September 2012, as well as what other “projects” God had in store for you. May God mightily bless you and your efforts as you set out on this endeavor!

  5. How neat! I love this idea!

  6. Christine says:

    I love your list of goals. I am going to “borrow” this idea, if you don’t mind. By the way, my baby turned into the vertex position. Yay!Blessings!

  7. Cute post. I really like how cross stitch makes me feel contemplative and relaxed.

  8. 102) Host random Aussie couple who are looking for Kingdom-oriented USA host families! :o)

    Thanks for your note on our blog! We’d love to meet y’all, although I suspect it won’t work out, as we are halfway through the trip and so a lot of our flexibility is gone by now, but what state do y’all live in?

    We’re currently in Alabama, heading north after this to Tennessee, and then wending our way further northwards as far as Ohio, then west probably through Illinois and whatever other states will take us directly or indirectly back to Oregon where we return our borrowed car before heading back to Australia.

    If y’all are somewhere along that path, meeting up might be a real possibility.

    It’ll be easiest if we continue the conversation by email – I’ve entered my email address for this comment and hopefully you’ll be able to reply directly using that address.

    God bless y’all & bye for now! :o)

  9. Karen says:

    I met Bonnie last summer and stumbled across your page. Its adorable and I love the 101 lists.

    Some good ideas 🙂

    You should really do the 10 letters:) its nice to get “real mail” and you never know, maybe something comes back:)

    Its nice to read your blog comments
    keep us updated.
    Karen L.

  10. kewkew says:

    Just found your blog through the Tot School linky. This is a great idea. You’ve got some great goals here.

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