Blogs for Married Women

Each one of these blogs has been an encouragement to me over the past months. It’s always encouraging to find other christian young wives and mothers who are dedicated to putting God and their families first in their lives. It is obvious that these bloggers love the life that God has given them.

Cahill Franchise – The Cahills two oldest children are the same ages as Drew and Carter. Amy has a heart for her children. She plans fun activities for them that are also educational. She reaches out to the other children in their apartment complex as a way to be a godly light in their neighborhood. (Tim also knows her husband from many years ago.)

Clay in His Hands – Sarah has an obvious love for her family. She is striving towards growing closer to God as she serves her husband and three beautiful daughters. She is an inspiration to me as she has three children under the age of three and is expecting their fourth.

Covenant Homemaking – Mary Jo takes her job as wife and mom seriously. She works to be a godly example to her daughter, to provide a healthy environment for her family, and to be an invaluable helpmeet to her husband.

Feathers in Our Nest – Aliesha is a new wife and mother…married in October of 2009 and baby daughter born in August of 2010. It is fun to read along as she is making their house a home and learning how to be a mom to her precious little girl.

Leaving a Legacy – Lauren has two little children that are close in age to Drew and Carter. She seeks to be a godly example and mom to her daughter and son and to make a cozy home for her husband and family to enjoy.

The High-Heeled Housewife – Brittany’s posts are short and to the point, encouraging wives to put their husbands before any other person. She is always encouraging and challenging.

While these blogs are not authored by young wives, they encourage wives to put their husbands first even in the midst of busy lives. Each blog offers practical advice and ideas on how to daily bless your husband.

The Dating Divas – If you are looking for fun, creative and unique date ideas this blog has some amazing ideas. From stay at home dates to more costly dates, these women use their creativity to bless their husbands.

The Generous Wife – Lori posts a daily challenge for wives to bless their husbands.

Homemaking Articles

1. Taking the Time to Stop and Consider…
2. Her Creation is Her Home
3. Do One Thing
4. The Successful Woman
5. Being a Mom and Wife is Enough
6. What Does “One Flesh” Mean?

Marriage Articles

1. How to Handle Disappointment in Marriage
2. The Wife Behind the Dream
3. 10 Things I’m Learning About Marriage
4. The Marriage Bed
5. Another Way to Love
6. One Missed Call
7. The Art of Being Beautiful *NEW*

Parenting Articles

1. It’s Almost Bedtime, It’s Almost Bedtime, It’s Almost Bedtime
2. Hide Them in Your Heart and Watch Them Change Your Life
3. Perish
4. Rush Hour
5. Structuring My Day Around Relationships…and Beverages 
6. How is It?
7. Are You a “Joyful Mother of Children”?
8. Courageous Mothers Who Cared for Their Families

3 Responses to Blogs for Married Women

  1. Brenda says:

    I noticed you “know” Amy Cahill, and that Tim know Brian “from years ago”. I’m assuming you are referring to ALERT? My husband was at ALERT too. 🙂 That’s where we met, actually.

  2. Michelle says:

    Do you know if High Heeled Housewives moved to a new address? I can’t find it and miss the encouragement and ideas.

  3. wholesomewomanhood says:

    I don’t know where her blog went. I miss her posts too!! I do know that she contributes to this blog…

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